
Working at Walmart over the last few years has really opened my eyes up to a lot of things. You get to meet some really interesting people. The huge volume and different type of customers that come through the door on an 8-hour shift is crazy. Some are in a big rush, some who take their time, and of course those who are mad at the world and ready to blow up.

A couple of things I learned:

  • Early on make sure to ask questions when you don’t know or understand something, it’s ok to not know.
  • When being yelled at for a missing jar of pickles in a customer order…stay calm and keep quiet till they stop screaming.
  • Some people try to game the system to their advantage and take advantage of their employer.
  • Take pride in your work, time goes by much faster when you are working hard.
  • Bread crumbs are in aisle A15 kinda shoved behind the corn starch.
  • When someone asks you to scan the price of item, never use Inventory Management… it never loads just use the app on you phone- trust me

The last bigger thing I learned was around work ethic. A good work ethic isn’t as common as one might think / hope. For me, I found myself the youngest in the room but still the most suitable to do just about any of the tasks presented to our Walmart team. Crazy enough, so did my boss because she put me as the OGP Walmart Team Lead almost every time I closed for a whole 3 months over the summer. You should have seen my face when I saw my name written down under ATC for the 5th time during the week of Black Friday- my mouth dropped.